Joy of Weaving 8 - WWWoW 2

Interactive Performance at the exhibition "so far and yet so close" with Mayan
Learning from the master hand weaver Sylvia Wiechmann
Exploring different looms at the TIM Augsburg
Participants and Director Karl Murr in front of an installation by Doro Seror, TIM Augsburg
Learning from the master hand weaver Waltraud Münzhuber
Learning from the artist Doro Seror
Learning from all the participating artists and weaver (here: backstraploom)
Exploring the mayan techniques during the production week
Creating artistic works during the production week
Exploring the mayan techniques during the production week
Construction the giant backstraploom together
Exploring the mayan techniques during the production week
Creating artistic works during the production week
Exploring the mayan techniques during the production week
Exploring techniques with natural material, instructed by Kim Rathnau
Exhibition "so far and yet so close"
Exhibition "so far and yet so close"
Participants of The Project Joy of Weaving WWWoW2
Giant backstrap loom, idea by Doro Seror, made by Gloria Estella Garcia, Sylvia Wiechmann, Kim Rathnau
exhibition and the result of the interactive performance

Joy of Weaving 8 - WWWoW 2

October/November 2023, Munich, Germany
A cultural exchange between Mayan weavers from Guatemala and textile artists from Bavaria
pics by: Thomas Hager, Doro Seror, Sofìa Gonzàlez

Sponsered by:
BBK Verbindungslinien, Regierung Oberbayern,
Kulturreferat der Stadt München

Supported by:
Halle 6, Kulturzentrum LUISE, Textil und Industriemuseum Augsburg