Joy of Weaving - Totum pro parte
After deconstructing the installation Joy of Weaving Pars pro toto, a group of women and the artist set about weaving the lianas that held the objects made by the visitors into a new work of art. The order of the colors only creates a visible pattern after the work has progressed to a certain extent. The women must therefore coordinate excellently, work together and closely follow each other's progress. This creates a harmonious pattern and shows how even people who don't know each other can connect constructively through such joint work.
Joy of Weaving is an initiative that brings people together peacefully and wants to ensure that shared creation is possible harmoniously even without language and many words.
Joy of Weaving is an initiative that brings people together peacefully and wants to ensure that shared creation is possible harmoniously even without language and many words.
Staatliches Industrie und Textilmuseum
TIM Augsburg
October 2023
Pics: Denis Ohrenschall, Doro Seror
TIM Augsburg
October 2023
Pics: Denis Ohrenschall, Doro Seror